Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to make your own Moisturizing Protein Conditioner

Protein and moisture are important to healthy hair. While our diet affects the health of the hair and scalp, there are also items we eat that can be applied to the hair to improve its condition externally as well. Think of it as feeding your hair.


  1. Place 3 tbsp. of creamy peanut butter into a blender. Peanut butter is a very protein-rich food that will do great things for your hair.
  2. Add one egg to the peanut butter. Eggs also are full of protein, and they help moisturize as well. Don't worry about whites or yolks; add the whole egg (except for the shell) to your conditioner. Each part of the egg plays a part in the conditioning of your hair.
  3. Place 2 tsp. of honey in the blender. Honey is a natural antioxidant that soaks up impurities while moisturizing and nourishing the hair.
  4. Add 1/2 of an avocado (peeled and pitted) to the blender as well. Avocado is known for its nourishing and moisturizing properties.
  5. Start the blender on low to mix all of the ingredients. If they are not mixing well, or are making a paste instead of a creamy concoction, add distilled water one capful at a time until the conditioner reaches the desired consistency.

Some Tips & Warnings:
  • This conditioner can be used daily in the shower, just like any other conditioner, or weekly as a deep treatment (in which it is left on for 30 minutes). Rinse your hair well with warm water (not hot) until the water runs clear.
  • While it may be tempting, do not wash your hair after using the conditioner; as long as you rinse it well, there will be no residue. Store this conditioner in the refrigerator for up to 4 days before you need to discard it and make a new batch.

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